Jalneti - Yogic technique for cleaning of nasal passage


This is one of the important shuddikriya in yoga & It is very simple and easy to perform but it has tremendous results. The cleaning of the nasal path is known as neti. The aim of the process is to purify the breathing path right from the nostrils to the throat. Neti is again divided in two types

1)Jalneti:If the aim is achieved using water, the process is known as Jalneti.

2)Sutraneti: If the aim is achieved using thread (sutra) is known as sutra neti. Now a days we are using simple rubber catheter for this procedure.

But vyutkram & Sitkram kapalbhati , (the process is performed by dipping nostrils in water which is in hollow of the hand , inhaling the water through the nostrils and letting it out through the mouth. The reverse process is sucking the water in by mouth and exhaling it through nostrils.) resembles with this procedure. Jalneti is easy to perform. infact prior to perform Vyutkram kapalbhati one has to learn Jalneti first.

How to do it?

For doing jalneti, a special kind of jug is used called as Netipot or Netilota.
1. Take Luekwarm water in simple pot add half a spoon of salt to it. Water should be little salty in taste. Open the mouth and continue breathing through it.
2. Now Put warm salty water into the Netipot. Tilt the neck and touch the tip of netipot (spout) to one of the nostrils. Open the mouth and continue breathing through it.
3. Gradually pour water into the nostril. Further lower the head slightly & raise the netipot so that water which entered in to one nostril comes through another nostril. During Jalneti, the position of the head and pot are adjusted to allow the water to flow out of the other nostril. When the pose is found, the rest of the process is easier. The water poured through one nostril can easily come out of the other.
4. The breathing is naturally through the mouth at this time. Pour water into the left nostril and take it out of the right, then pour it by the right one and take it out of the left.
5. The stream of water from both the nostrils will not be same depending on the blockade or nervous spasms. Do the whole exercise gently and in relaxed posture. One can wipe the nostrils with clean linen/towel in between while changing the nostrils.
6. After finishing Jalneti one has to perform Kapalbhati to remove remaining water in nostril.Id one can not perform kapalbhati then start blowing nose vigorously from alternate nostril(15-20 times) for the same.
7. It is necessary to make nose dry after jalneti.
1. If water comes in mouth through nostril , Spit it do not swallow it. If you swallow it then water can not come from another nostril.
2. There will be burning sensation in nose & with frequent sneezes , the eyes are fiiled with tear while doing jalneti with plane water but if we take salty water for it then there will be no burning sensation in nose.
3. Jalneti should be practiced in morning.
4. For therapeutic use of jalneti ,it should practice once in a week or one to three times in a day. In our practice according to disease we decide timing of jalneti. For this expert advice should be taken.
5. Those who are suffering from bleeding from nose should practiced jalneti cautiously or under supervision.
Effects of Jalneti:

1. Jalneti has not only physical but also psychological and spiritual benefits.
2. In our center we use jalneti as therapy, it has effecs over any kind of respiratory disorder – sinusitis, allergy, asthma, repeated rhinitis. sore throats, coughs, postnasal drips etc.
3. Jalneti also effective remedy for nasal catarrh , Headach, Migraine.
4. Nerve endings in the nose become more active.
5. It has great benefit to problems associated with the eyes .
6. Neti has a cooling and soothing effect on the brain and is therefore beneficial for headaches, migraine, depression, mental tensions and even epilepsy, hysteria and temper tantrums.
7. It works on the subtle effects of the olfactory bulb, and the psychic center, which is known as the Ajna Chakra in yoga.
8. Normally both nostrils will not open in same amount, depending on the blockade or nervous spasm one nostril is fully open & other is partially open. This is due to cyclic regulation of theses nostrils by nervous system. According to yoga this is related with Shadchakra & it affects these chakras. So neti has effect on these shadchakras in boby for maintainance of the health. That’s why it has the great mental and spiritual effects.
9. Nose is to regulate the temperature and humidity of the incoming air. By resorting Jalneti heips to establish the correct working environment of temperature and humidity in the nose.

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