
1. What is Panchkarma ?

Panchakarma ("Pancha" means five and "karma" means treatment) is done to detoxify the body according to Ayurveda The five procedures are claimed to eliminate the vitiated Doshas from the body. They are vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Niroohavasti (Decoction enema), Nasya (Instillation of medicine through nostrils), and Anuvasanavasti (Oil enema). Nirooha, Anuvasana and Uttaravasthi form the basic types of Vasti. The term Panchasodhana includes Vamana Virechana, Nasya, Nirooha, and Rakthamoksha (Blood letting)
Pre Panchakarma procedures
It is important to prepare the body before carrying out these Pancahkarmas. The following process is followed before carrying out the Panchakarma procedure
Snehana : Snehana means Oleation or to make smooth.

Swedana : This procedure is very important to liquefy the vitiated Doshas inside the body (which are already made soft by oleation /¨ procedure), later to be brought to Koshtha, which will be eliminated by inducing either Vamana / Virechana.
According to ayurveda, good health depends upon our capability to fully metabolize all aspects of life, assimilating that which nourishes and eliminating the rest. When we can`t completely digest our food, experiences, and emotions, toxins accumulate in our bodily tissues, creating imbalance and – ultimately – disease. Panchakarma is an elegant cleansing process that releases stored toxins and restores the body`s innate healing ability.
When our digestive energies, known as Agni (fire), are robust, we create healthy tissues, eliminate waste products efficiently, and produce a subtle essence called Ojas. Ojas, which may be envisioned as the innermost sap of our psychophysiology, is the basis for clarity of perception, physical strength, and immunity. On the other hand, if our Agni is weakened, digestion is incomplete and creates toxins that get stored in the body. This toxic residue is known as Ama.

2. Why Should I Undergo Pancha-karma Treatment?
Stress, environmental pollutants and poor lifestyle choices create a toxic load on the body that—if left in the tissues and bloodstream—results in poor health. Panchakarma (PK) reverses this degenerative process quickly and its effects are often profound and long-lasting. PK uses a combination of massage, herbal saunas, special foods and nutritional directives, mild fasting and colon therapies to rid the body of accumulated toxins. Your personal PK program begins with a thorough exam by an Ayurvedic Physician, which enables the doctor to recommend a program tailored to your individual health. As your PK treatments progresses, you will be given a special diet combined with certain herbs and essential oils to use at home. These will help stimulate your liver and digestive organs, helping them to purge toxins.

3. What is shirodhara
Shirodhara is a form of Ayurveda therapy that involves gently pouring liquids over the forehead and can be one of the steps involved in Panchakarma. The name comes from the Sanskrit words shiro (head) and dhara (flow). ... Shirodhara is also effective in treating mental conditions such as anxiety, and mental stress.
Takradhara is a special Ayurvedic treatment that uses medicated buttermilk.Takra means buttermilk and dhara is a stream.The physiological benefits of TakradharaAyurvedic Treatment are very similar to that of shirodhara.
Benefits of shirodhara
Shirodhara is a great treatment for a compromised nervous system. Shirodhara can help relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, fatigue and hypertension. It relieves tension, worry, fear and headache as well as depression. It regulates mood and gives feelings of pleasure and relaxation.

4. What is Basti?
Ayurvedic basti involves the introduction into the rectum of herbal substances like oil and decoction etc in a liquid medium. Basti, is the most effective treatment of vata disorders, although many enemas over a prescribed period of time are usually required. This is one of the five pradhana karma of panchakarma.

5. What is Virechan?
Virechana is the second procedure in the sequence of Panchakarma (Ayurveda Detoxification Program), mainly aimed at reducing Pitta Dosha and toxic accumulation in the GI tract, liver and gallbladder.

6. What Is Vaman?
Vamana Karma, also known as medical emesis or medical vomiting, is one of the five Pradhana Karmas of Panchakarma which is used in treating Kaphaj disorders.

7. What is Raktmokshan ?
Raktamokshan is the procedure of blood-letting. In this procedure we take out the impure blood, due to which a person is suffering from a disease.

8. What is snhapan?
Snehapana is one of the Purvakarma therapies in Ayurveda, a system of medicine in India. Sneha means oil. Thiktha Ghrutha or ghee infused with herbs is orally administered to the patient for a specific period.

9. What is Janu Basti?
The knee joint is called Janu Sandhi in Sanskrit, hence the name Janu Basti is given to the proceduredone on knee joints. In this the knee joint is bathed with warm medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction. Depending on the condition it can be practiced over both the knee joints or on one knee joint.

10. What is Uttar Basti?
Uttar Basti is an important Panchakarma procedure for the genito–urinary disorders of both, males and females. The therapy involves administration of a specific medicinal oil, ghrita or decoction into the urinary bladder or uterus.

11. What is Kati Basti?
Kati basti is a medicinal oil treatment for relieving tensions of the lower back. The patient lays down on their stomach, a ring is fixed on their back with a paste made of a special flour and water.

12. What are Vat Pita and Kafa Dosha?
A dosha, according to Ayurveda, is one of three substances that are present in a person`s body. In literature since the twentieth century, this idea is called "the three-dosha theory
Authoritative Ayurvedic treatises describe how the quantity and quality of these three substances fluctuates in the body, according to the seasons, time of day, diet and several other factors. Ayurvedic doshas are markedly different from Greek Humors. The central concept of Ayurvedic medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily bio-elements or doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
• Vata or Vata (airy element). It is characterised by properties of dry, cold, light, minute, and movement. All movement in the body is due to property of vata. Pain is the characteristic feature of deranged vata. Some of the diseases due to vata is windy element, flatulence, gout, rheumatism, etc.
• Pitta is the fiery element or bile that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen, heart, eyes, and skin, It is characterised by hotness, moist, liquid, sharp and sour, its chief quality is heat. It is the energy principle which uses bile to direct digestion and enhance metabolism. It is primarily characterised by body heat or burning sensation and redness
Kapha is the watery element, it is characterised by heaviness, cold, tenderness, softness, slowness, lubrication, and the carrier of nutrients. It is nourishing element of the body. All the soft organs are made by kapha, it plays an important role in taste perception, Joint nourishment and lubrication

13. What is Abhyangam?
A daily full-body warm oil massage therefore acts as a powerful recharger and rejuvenator of mind and body. Abhyanga — the ayurvedic oil massage — is an integral part of the daily routine recommended by this healing system for overall health and well-being. Traditional ayurvedic texts wax eloquent on the benefits.

14. What is Nasya?
`Nasya` is an Ayurvedic practice that encourages nasal administration of medicinal herbs, decoctions and oils. Commonly such treatments are known to clear sinus congestion, help clear accumulated toxins from head and neck region.

15. What is Pottali Massage therapy?
Potli massage therapy is done using heated herbal pouches also known as potlis (or poultice) that are used to rejuvenate, relax and nourish the affected area. When these potlis are placed on the body, they have a therapeutic effect.

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